Bib Fortuna (10)
Navigation (8)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Species: Twi'lek
Was born on: Ryloth
Relations: Jabba's Organization
Events: Jabba's Realm, Trespass, Final Confrontation, Arrival of Luke Skywalker
Bib Fortuna was a male Twi'lek from Ryloth. Bib served as a majordomo to Jabba the Hutt for many years. Considering he served Jabba for decades, it is unsurprising that few in the galaxy hated the Hutt as much as he did - the Twi'lek majordomo had tried many times unsuccessfully to have Jabba killed. A member of the Una Clan, Bib Fortuna was friendly with many B'omarr monks in Jabba's Palace - when he died, his brain was forcibly removed from his body by the ancient religious order, and placed in a jar for the enlightenment process.


See also
Complete list
Bib Fortuna Bib Fortuna, Jabba's Major-Domo Bib Fortuna (69812) Bib Fortuna (OTC#31) Bib Fortuna (SAGA003) Jabba the Hutt's Space Cruiser (V.JAB4)
SWM Bounty Hunters
Scum & Villainy
The Power of the Force
The Original Trilogy Collection
The Saga Collection
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Bib Fortuna
Bib Fortuna, Jabba's Major-Domo
Bib Fortuna (69812)
Bib Fortuna (OTC#31)
Bib Fortuna (SAGA003)
Jabba the Hutt's Space Cruiser (V.JAB4)
69812 / 69605
85381 / 84715
85803 / 85770
Tags (2)

Twi'lek | Jabba's Organization

Tags (2)

Twi'lek | Jabba's Organization

Tags (2)

Twi'lek | Jabba's Organization

Tags (7)

Star Jewel | Ubrikkian Minstrel-class Space Yacht | Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Droid Hover Taxi | Scuppa | Twi'lek

Events (2)

Arrival of Luke Skywalker | Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine)

Blood Feud (Jabba the Hutt) 0932 : Event : Force Persuasion 1001 : Objective : Schemes and Intrigues 1025 : Objective : Hunter for Hire
SWTCG : Cards
SWTCG : Cards
SWTCG : Cards
Blood Feud (Jabba the Hutt)
0932 : Event : Force Persuasion
1001 : Objective : Schemes and Intrigues
1025 : Objective : Hunter for Hire
Tags (5)

Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Twi'lek | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization

Tags (4)

Luke Skywalker | Twi'lek | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization

Tags (5)

Gamorrean | Tessek | Quarren | Twi'lek | Jawa

Tags (5)

Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Twi'lek | Gamorrean | Jabba's Organization

Events (2)

Arrival of Luke Skywalker | Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine)

Last updated: 05.01.2022 10:57:49